eDREAM project at ICCEP 2019 conference
July 4, 20190
Between the 2nd and 4th of July, Servelect attended the ICCEP 2019 conference (7th International Conference on CLEAN ELECTRICAL POWER Renewable Energy Resources Impact), in Otranto, Puglia– Italy, presenting eDREAM project and also the other H2020 projects within we are partners.
The aim of the Conference is to promote a permanent scientific forum, where people involved with clean electrical power generation may compare their experiences and present innovations to improve the current state of the art.
Our colleague, Andrei Ceclan, presented the project vision, objectives and project pilots.
eDREAM vision is for:
- a novel near real-time Closed Loop optimal blockchain-based Demand Response ecosystem,
- where Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Aggregators cooperate within a novel yet appropriate market framework,
- with a view to exploiting to the largest possible extent the flexibility potential of a large variety of heterogeneous third-party stationary and movable load assets,
- while keeping system reliability within prescribed limits and preserving continuity and security of supply.