eDREAM at – SAMER Conference
Last week, Servelect organized and attended the SAMER conference, in Targoviste – Romania, disseminating the project outcomes that have been achieved so far.
Last week, Servelect organized and attended the SAMER conference, in Targoviste – Romania, disseminating the project outcomes that have been achieved so far.
Between the 2nd and 4th of July, Servelect attended the ICCEP 2019 conference (7th International Conference on CLEAN ELECTRICAL POWER Renewable Energy Resources Impact), in Otranto, Puglia– Italy, presenting eDREAM project and also the other H2020 projects within we are partners.
Last week, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa and Servelect attended the InnoGrid 2019 conference, in Brussels, disseminating the project outcomes that have been achieved so far.
The energy grid is moving to a new era, shifting from centralized broadcast-like energy systems to decentralized smart energy systems by incorporating a large number of small-scale Distributed Energy Prosumers (DEP). The advent of intermittent decentralized renewable energy sources is completely changing the way in which electricity grids are managed, supporting the shift to more decentralized smart energy systems. Variations in energy production, either surplus or deficit, may threaten the security of supply, leading to energy distribution systems’ overload, and culminating in power outages or service disruptions, forcing the DEPs to shed or shift their energy demand to deal with peak load periods.
The end of November saw the coming together of two Horizon 2020 funded projects to present their ideas, innovations and progress. DELTA and eDREAM were joined by over 40 interested stakeholders on November 26th in the Museum of London for a workshop where knowledge transfer and discussion were top of the agenda. Grid operators, local authorities, DSOs and power companies were among the attendees there to gain an insight into both projects.
Energy@Work attended the conference IEEE CANDO EPE 2018 at Obuda University presenting “Decentralized blockchain flexibility system for Smart Grids: Requirements engineering and use cases” written with Engineering Spa based on eDREAM project progress.
On November 26th a joint workshop and conference will be held in London between two EU funded research and innovation projects, DELTA and eDREAM. Working on the next generation of demand response technology and innovation, DELTA and eDREAM are inviting all those interested in smart grids and the future of energy markets to join them in discussing the latest trends in energy flexibility.
Last week, our colleagues presented the eDREAM project at the Energy System and Smart Cities and Communities brokerage event. The event was organized by APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea, in Brussels.
Our colleagues from Engineering presented the eDREAM project at the H2020 Low TRL Smart Grids and Storage Projects’ Cluster. The event was organized by the EC’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) on October 2, 2018, in Brussels.
The eDREAM third General Meeting took place on the 4th and 5th September 2018. CERTH, one of the eDREAM consortium partners, hosted the meeting at Centre for Research and Technology in Thessaloniki, Greece.